Saturday, October 28, 2017

Becoming Mama...

When all is said and done and my hour will come, there are very few days in the world that I will remember as clearly as the 10th December 2013. Two days after my birthday surprise of finding the double line on my clear blue test, it was confirmed that I was pregnant. Emotions flooded through my mind, as if the Vaal sluices has just opened, my body felt a sense of dread as I realised that being pregnant meant having to endure labour. That thought stuck with me all day, through telling my parents, through cleaning the house, through another unpleasant visit to the in laws, and it remained until that fateful morning of December 10th.

You see, my precious, that was the first time I saw you all lizardlike, with the most powerful heartbeat in the world, which reduced my heart to mush.

Two thing were inexorably true: first, you were mine and I loved you and would endure anything to protect you. Second, I had felt your presence with me from the moment of conception and it had just been confirmed.

Laying on the bed in the surgery, hearing the hoovebeats of a thousand Arabian stallions, my elation was inexplicable. The cadence of your heart became the beat of my life.

As you lay beside me dearest sleeping angel, the sound of your breathing is a comfort to me. I love you now and forever.

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